Monday, November 29, 2021

Kim Fields Hopes ‘Adventures In Christmasing’ Inspires People To Come Out Of Their Comfort Zone

(ViacomCBS) – VH1 will air Adventures In Christmasing tonight starting at 9PM ET/PT. Adventures In Christmasing comes from Executive Producer Kim Fields who also stars and co-wrote the movie.

CBS‘ Matt Weiss spoke with Fields about all the work that went into this movie, her co-stars and what she hopes people take away from the adventure.

MW- Hello Kim! Adventures In Christmasing comes to VH1 tonight at 9PM and you are pulling tripl duty as the star, executive producer and the co-writer. What was the inspiration behind putting this project together?

KF- Well, I co-wrote the story from the genesis of I love how the adventure shows and the survival shows all have that element of people want to be pushed to their limits. Even though they all seem comfortable in those environments, they still pushing themselves. So I thought, well, what if you are not comfortable?

You are being catapulted out of your comfort zone and what does that look like? So you have a lot of adventure. You have a lot of rom com elements to it but you also have some danger. You also have that element of the unknown and the process to get to not fearing the unknown.

MW- How difficult was it to balance all those different roles?

KF- Well, you know, the pre-production process was very important for me because that’s where all the decisions had to be made. That’s where all of the creative energy had to go, for me as a producer, and as the co-creator of the story. When it came time for me to act, I had to be 100% present in that.

MW- The film also stars Kel Mitchell, Eva Marcille, Jonathan Silverman, how great was it to work with this cast?

KF- Working with this cast was incredible. To be joined by Jonathan Silverman who I’ve been such a fan of for so long, and his comedy. Eva was wonderful, she brings such a great layer of that that best friend girlfriend vibe. Kel Mitchell plays my brother, and I’ve got back stories with each of them. It was really fun to be able to interact with them and work with them again on such a special project.

MW- Obviously this project is very near and dear to you, what do you hope people take away from this movie?

KF- I hope that people take away from this, it’ll be the same thing that Parker Baldwin my character eventually does, come out of your comfort zone; it’s okay. Don’t be afraid of the unknown. When you embrace it and you go through that process and you get to the other side of it it’s so liberating. It’s so inspiring and empowering.

You don’t need a big adventure like a helicopter ride and falling into a river and encounters in the wild and things like that to be the catalyst, life sometimes will throw its own catalyst at you to jumpstart that adventure for you. We’re in these unprecedented times as they say and so that may be the catalyst that is pushing you into this adventure of life.

Don’t be afraid of the dark. Those are the things that I really hope that that are the gifts that this movie can give this holiday season.

MW- Wise words for sure. Thank you so much for the time today Kim and all the best! the time today.

KF- Thank you, take care.

Adventures In Christmasing comes to VH1 on Monday, November 29th at 9 PM ET/PT. Check your local listings for more information.

from CBS New York
via gqrds

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