Monday, March 15, 2021

CBS2 Weather Headlines: Another Cold Start; Late Afternoon, Early Evening Snow Showers

By Matt DeLucia, CBS2 Meteorologist/Weather Producer

Morning! It’s another cold start out there, but luckily the winds have died down. Temps are in the 20s for most with some teens in the NW suburbs.

Clouds will be on the increase through the day with highs similar to yesterday… Upper 30s to low 40s.

It stays dry until late afternoon and early evening today. Precip will then be moving in from the west, mainly in the form of some snow showers.

During the night, it mixes with and changes to rain for the city and south, with more in the way of snow to the north.

The entire event is very light and any accumulations would be in the higher elevations N&W where up to 1 inch is possible. Perhaps a brief coating closer to the city, but that quickly gets washed away.

Just enough for a reminder that it’s technically still winter!

Some leftover rain or snow showers Wednesday morning will clear out by midday as temps climb into the upper 40s. Have a great day!


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